Translations 40+ languages
When translation has to move on a next level, transcreation comes into play.
We take care of a concept itself in original and recreate it in a foreign language especially in marketing and advertising.
If you want your content or idea to resonate with international public, we higly recommend thinking about transcreation
We do online translations into 100 languages of the world from $ 20

Content that we translate:
- Product descriptions
- Documentation
- Terms and Conditions
- Contracts
- Service Agreements
- Licenses, permits
- Trademarks, copyrights
- Patents
- Customer support
- Website copy
- Marketing materials
- User reviews
- Real Estate and Travel listings
- Location guides
- Articles, News
- Social Media Content
- Mobile Apps and Games
- Presentations
- Marketing Materials
- Subtitles
- Audio and video materials

5-step Quality Control:
Work done by a professional translator
accurate formatting, preserving the meaning
verbiage, syntax, spelling, & grammar check
original & translated documents comparison to assure symmetry
Project manager review
(check for accordance to clients requests)
On-time delivery
approval by the client

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Lingvo24" is a reliable partner.
Their communication skills are outstanding.
I liked the cooperation with you, the level of professional translation and compliance with the project deadlines.
I will be glad to cooperate again!

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Thanks to the company for the high quality work!
We had a rather complicated order, but they were able to find a well-prepared and experienced interpreter.
The result we got was much better than expected